Illustration of two teeth with braces inside a blue circle, next to the word "Braces."

Brace Yourself For A Beautiful Smile!

Here are some things you may experience during your braces journey:

Your teeth, lips, & cheeks may be sore for up to 2 weeks. This is completely normal and may vary based on treatment and the individual. Ibuprofen or preferred medication should aid the discomfort.

Orthodontic wax can be used in areas to assist with lip/cheek soreness or if a wire is poking out.

Braces are a magnet for food particles and plaque! This will cause staining and tooth decay if not properly taken care of. We want to ensure your smile is perfect when we remove the brackets. Therefore, proper brushing and flossing is VITAL during your orthodontic journey!

Close-up of a person brushing teeth with braces

Brushing & Flossing

When brushing with braces, ensure the bristles of your toothbrush are getting around all 4 sides of each bracket and underneath/between the wire and your teeth. Flossing is CRUCIAL to the health of your smile! Take a 12"-18" piece of floss and a floss threader to get between the braces.

(Scroll further to watch a demonstration video)

Blue prohibition symbol with circular design

Foods To Avoid

Sticky Candy, Hard Candy, & Gum

Beef Jerky


Corn on the Cob

Almonds, Walnuts, Peanuts

Steak (unless cut into small pieces)



Whole Apples, Large Fruits, & Raw Vegetables

Pizza Crust

Chicken Wings


Illustration of a tooth with braces and sparkles in a blue circle.

Braces Emergency

Brackets/wires may come off unexpectedly during your orthodontic journey. Not to worry, we will get you taken care of!

If a bracket becomes loose or comes entirely off of the tooth, in most cases, it is acceptable to wait until your next visit. However, if it is causing irritation, call to book the earliest available appointment.

If a wire pops out of your bracket, first try to re insert with a pair of tweezers. If unsuccessful and is not causing irritation, you may wait until the next appointment.

As your smile shifts, the wire may irritate the inside of your mouth. If the wire is poking you, first try to clip the wire using fingernail clippers. You may also use orthodontic wax to reduce irritation. If unsuccessful, give our team a call and we will get you taken care of.

Sometimes the colorful elastic tie that holds the wire in place will break off. Most of the time it is perfectly acceptable to wait until your next visit with us!